Signs: The Secret to Getting Results from Your Advertisement Sign

Signs have been used in marketing for as long as most of can remember. There are a few simple keys to making a sign that will generate sales. Most of these factors are very simple but are often overlooked. Lets take a look at the three most critical factors in making a quality advertisement sign.

The most important aspect of creating and getting great marketing results from your sign has nothing to do with the sign itself. The first rule is simple. Location, Location, Location. Need I say it again. The greatest sign with the best copy in the world will do you little to no good if it is located in a poor traffic area. Find a place to post your sign where the most possible people can see it. Now that you have selected the location where there is a good amount of traffic you are off to step two. Make sure the sign is visible from many angles. Walk around the area and notice if any obstacles such as tree branches or buildings block the view of the sign. You should notice at this time if your advertisement needs to raised or lowered. The third step is to make sure the advertisement is facing towards the highest traffic area. These simple steps will allow you to maximize the results of the sign you created.

The Sign
When creating your sign the rules are very simple. The most common mistake made in creating advertisement signs is that people want to put to much information in a small space. This hurts your advertisement in two manners. One. People seeing your sign are moving. We live in a fast paced world where most people are not going to stop to take the time to read your advertisement. If you follow the rule of short and sweet it will help you avoid the next critical mistake in making your sign. Mistake number two is small text making the sign difficult to read. If you know you have a very limited amount of space to work with on a sign a simple catch phrase can be very powerful. Remember keep it short and simple.

Dynamics of Color
The color of signs has become a science. Many colors dictate action while others build trust. You may notice most fast food signs and logos use red and yellow. These colors create a call to action. It is good to use caution with these colors, overdone both of these colors signify caution. The colors of blue and green help nurture trust and confidence. Nothing states tradition and security like black and white.

When creating your sign try to follow the three basic principles of:
1. Location
2. Short and Simple
3. A fitting Color Scheme

About the Author:

Ken Fry is committed to providing consumers a way to use the internet to obtain the best services and merchants in their geographical location. TenList. Find the Best Fast. Houston Sign CompaniesDallas Sign CompaniesDenver Sign Companies

Article Source: - Signs: The Secret to Getting Results from Your Advertisement Sign

Advertisement, Signs, Sign