Is Your E-Marketing Making an Impact?

Do you know what post-click tracking is, and why it is one of the most effective techniques for measuring the Return on Investment of your E-marketing efforts?

For those who are not familiar with post-click tracking, you are probably a bit tired of hearing marketing professionals use similar terms that leave you nothing but confused. Let me give you a very simple definition of post-click tracking and show you why it can be very valuable.

Post-Click Tracking is a method by which you, the site owner, can track the users movements and activities on your website. To get this information, you will need to install a small file, known as a cookie, on the users computer. The purpose of this file is to gather, and return to you, identifying information about the user including the pages on your site that they have visited and any purchases that they have made.

That's really all there is to it, in terms of a definition. Sure, implementation is not simple. However, keep in mind that once you establish a tracking system the logistics happen automatically.

How Does this Help to Maximize RIO Measurement?

In general, if you are not already using this technique there is a good chance that you aren't measuring the ROI for your e-marketing. Therefore, implementing a cookie-based post-click tracking system will give you the information that you need!

Let's face it, when you are promoting a new website, or a new online service, you need to know whether it is worth the investment. This is a simple technique for finding out how many people are visiting your site and what they do once they get there. Here are some of the other things that you can determine through this technique:

* Are users easily finding the information that they need on your site? Or, is critical information located in an area of your site that users cannot get it in three clicks or less.
* Are users getting frustrated and clicking away from your site?
* Do you have advertising to outside sites that is more attractive to users than the information that you are providing?
* Are many users reviewing information about your products or services and deciding not to purchase them? Perhaps this will allow you to rethink your site text and the way in which you are framing your products or services.

Now that you know what Post-Click Tracking can give you

Let's look at how you can get it set up on your site.

The easiest way to implement this measurement device for your website is to either purchase a tracking software or to hire an e-marketing specialist, who has what it takes to get your tracking system up and running with little time or hassle. Your web hosting provider may actually also offer solutions for tracking your site traffic, so checking out their service listing might also be a good place to start.

About the Author:

Rudy Labordus is a strategic marketer and CEO of award winning advertising agency Breakthrough Corporation. Rudy is also a sought after public speaker and creative author of globally acclaimed marketing toolkit adpack: 125,000 ways to promote a business.

Article Source: - Is Your E-Marketing Making an Impact?

Success, Business, Marketing, Measure, Email, Roi, Tracking